Sunday 25 February 2018

Burger King - Storyboarding Begin

Using the character sheet and the scripts that were made from my team mate, I began storyboarding, to do this I made my own brief assets, as these are going to be used for the final assets, I needed to make sure they were clear so that my other team mate could take them and use them for the final versions. There is not much to say about these, I tried to keep the backgrounds consistent the whole way through so that we could get an idea of what it would look like with assets above it. Also using the actual texture we used for the backgrounds helped layout the whole shot for each story.


These are the storyboards I have completed this week, I made sure to have plenty finished for my team mate on asset creation to start creating the final assets so we can have a good turn around on animation as well. 

Sunday 18 February 2018

Burger King - Material Research, Character Designs and Test Footage

For this week, myself and my team mate/director went to the Leeds market, and picked up a few different types of fabrics, as we had already decided on the aesthetic of a puppet show of sorts. We got a meter each of some different colours which we could use for backdrops, and any other potential uses we can find for the fabrics. We have spoken about using the fabric for some fire effects also.
Here are some examples of the fabrics we bought. (These are the scanned versions which happened in the next week ruffled up to try and look like a decent backdrop.

We knew that we wanted to relay the fact we were trying to go for an authentic experience in which we would convince the viewer that even though it was all done digitally, they were watching an actual puppet show. So that we could better understand the constraints of making a puppet show, I made some very quick paper assets based on the story's we had written, so that we could attach them on sticks and take them in to the stop motion room and film some actual footage of us with the puppets.

This was the footage we shot, we played around a lot with the lighting, and we noticed specific details which we knew we had to get right, one of these was the multiple drop shadows and the slight shaking of the hand as they as stationary.

I also finished off the character designs this week, I basically just finalised one design I had done, did some tests and made sure they were ok for any audience, the idea was it was inclusive for all to avoid anyone feeling left out, so it is just a stock character.