Saturday, 11 November 2017

Character and Narrative Pitch

Pitch Ideas

Character and Narrative is our first module of 2nd year, for this we are required to make several ideas to pitch to the class using cubes. The class would then decide who's story in the group of 3 would be used to animate for the rest of the module. 

My Ideas 

This was my dice roll

Knight idea 1 - The "Hero"

Revolves around a hero in ancient Greece, who has many trophies for useless tasks such as "jumping 5 feet" who thinks a lot of himself for his mediocre achievements.

He is stood admiring his trophies when a woman runs into his village screaming because her son is frozen in stone. All the people turn towards the dude in armour and point to the mountain which looks incredibly gloomy and dark, at which point he starts shaking.

We next see the guy in front of the entrance to a dark entrance way which eerily creaks open. Torches light all around him on their own and reveals loads of people who are frozen in stone. The light then lights on Medusa at the end of a large hall, he gulps and runs at her sword raised, at which point her long snake tail smacks him into a wall and out of the cave.

This was the character I used for proof of concept. 

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