Thursday, 9 May 2019

Extended Practice - Live Brief - Yeti Storyboarding

For my final live brief, I wanted to take on something more closely related to my specialism in storyboarding. Through the recommendation of a storyboard artist from Blue Sky Studios, I found the YETI storyboarding classes online, which offer new briefs every Monday for those wanting to learn the practice.

The brief I decided to take on, was more about comedy and staging, which had a concept I found funny and interesting, as most of my storyboards tend to be more action based or serious in nature, I thought it'd be fun to take on something a bit more light hearted.

This is the brief I decided to take on, and here are the thumbnails which I produced for my idea.

Overall I was quite happy with my thumbnails, and decided to take them into storyboard pro just for practices sake as it is such an industry standard. Here is the animatic I produced: 

Overall I think there are definitely improvements I could have made to this in storyboard pro, the character's often feel a bit too static for me, and some of the movement is awkward and unfunny, and does not translate as well as it should. In terms of positives I think it reads clearly overall, and the framing is nice (enough) so that the story comes across to the audience. 

I think this animatic would have benefited from sound, as it is such a comedic story, the silence breaks the immersion, which is a shame, but it is sadly something that slipped my mind until it was too late, over summer I am going to take this further and practising storyboards from sound clips, in order to better understand the relation of visuals and audio.  

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