Friday, 1 February 2019

Extended Practice - "Red and Green" Thumbnails

As I had finished with my previous outsourcing on a live action storyboard, it was now time to move on to my next project, working on the 3D project "Red and Green". I knew when I started this that I wanted to storyboard this using 3D assets in the background, so that I could get a clear idea of space, and consider how the character's moved around that space.

I stared off the week with thumbnails, which was based on the script which was provided to me by the Director of the project. It was specified where there were some meticulous shots which the group wanted, however over all I was given a pretty free reign with what I could do. I knew it was a slapstick comedy, so I tried to push the funny expressions and kept the camera quite simple so as to not overshadow the comedy which is happening on screen. Here are the thumbnails for this project:

Proceeding this, there was some changes made by the Director of the project, but ultimately he was happy with where I took the character's and how I chose to utilise them in each scene. 

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