Monday 28 January 2019

Extended Practice - "The Utopia Trial" Storyboards

After getting my thumbnails approved by the Director of the project, I went ahead and started on the final storyboards. I had to make a new template for the storyboards, as he was going to be shooting in a wide screen format, and I had to make sure I was framing everything to be within this space. If I were to be doing this for an animated project, I would have used Photoshop or Storyboard Pro, however because I was working for a live-action project I decided to do them all hand drawn. This ended up taking me longer than expected as I was going for a somewhat comic book style of drawing, with cross hatched shading. The Director also provided me with location reference videos to work off so I knew the space which I was working in properly, so I never broke the line of action. 

Understandably this post ended up being very long, as there was 122 shots in this project, and I drew multiple frames for some of them, which ended up taking up 26 pages of storyboards. I am very happy with how these boards turned out, and I was incredibly proud to have finished them. It took a bit longer because of the style I had used, and also because they were hand drawn it meant I had to draw every single background for every frame. In future I will probably undertake this type of board on Photoshop, so that if I need to repeat backgrounds I will not have to redraw them multiple times. The Director was very happy with the result, and is using it to produce a full animatic to send to his actors. 

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