Thursday 11 April 2019

Extended Practice - Professional Feedback

After finishing my rough pass of my animatic, I sent it off to 2 highly regarded storyboard artists in order to gain some professional feedback. This is the feedback given by Jez Hall:

This was all incredibly useful feedback which I will respond to accordingly. It felt very professional and I got the feeling that he took me seriously as a board artist so I was appreciative of that.

Here is the feedback given by David Bunting:

I liked the critical nature both these professionals treated my board with, I did not want a series of compliments as I would not have felt like there could be any improvements, however this feedback has given me a lot of good insight into what I need to improve, and how I can make it a lot better.

Over the next couple of days I will pick up the pace a lot more and I will make the suggested improvements, some of which were solidifying some of the thoughts which I had already had, but some of which I just hadn't considered.

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