Monday 28 January 2019

Extended Practice - "Bedtime" Final Pass

After being given a list of revisions from the first pass, the group I was working for decided some areas did not work as well as expected in animatic form, therefore I made some changes to some shots, and some minor tweaks to timings of other shots.

As is shown here, a significant shot was changed to adhere to the demands of the group, as they felt that the timing on the original was more comedy based, which I agreed with. This was my final part of working on this particular groups project, from next week I will be working on a live action project.

I am happy with the outcome of this project, as I felt it gave me a lot more practical insight into using storyboard pro, and is my first University project to put it to practice, and I look forward to using it in the future. I did feel that the camera work I did could have been improved, as well as including extra key frames to make the timings work a little more smoothly. These are things I will take forward and work on improving in the future.

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