Wednesday 23 January 2019

Extended Practice - "Bedtime" Thumbnails

My first outsourcing role in Extended Practice came from one of the 2D animation groups. It came from a group with their short "Bedtime" revolving around a school boy who sees a shadowy figure in his sleep.

My first step in this process was to sit down with the Director of the group, and discuss shot types, setting, and what kind of storyboard there were after. It was decided that I would storyboard using storyboard pro, and produce an animatic from this. From this, I started the thumbnail stage, the Director had already produced a quick set of thumbnails for me to look at, in shots where there were specific camera angles and things to be shown on screen.

These were the quick thumbnails that the Director had given me to look at, so I took these on board and tried to build on them and form them into a proper storyboard in terms of shot types and filling in the rest of the script. 

These were the thumbnails that I produced from the script and also using the Director's specs. After doing these I ran them through with the Director, to see if there was any changes that she wanted me to make, which I responded too and noted on to the thumbnails themselves in red, so that when I produced the storyboard, I knew that it was important to make these changes.

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