Wednesday 23 January 2019

Extended Practice - The Pitch

After making my initial mood boards, we were asked to pitch our ideas to our tutors and my peers, so that it could be changed if what we were doing was completely achievable or too ambitious for the time we had. I put together what I had so far so that it was clear what my intentions were for the project.

My pitch:

I was sure to make my intentions with the project clear, by including the target audience and genre. I did not want to over saturate the pitch with a lot of unnecessary details so I kept it short and concise. I also included my intentions for the live briefs, in which I am collaborating for 2 of them. Although I had decided on my specialism of storyboards, I also knew I needed to show a range of skills, so I wanted to also take on some animation in the live briefs as well. 

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