Monday, 28 January 2019

Extended Practice - "The Utopia Trial" Thumbnails

After completing my first animated project for a group, it was time to move on to my 2nd and biggest project, which was a 7-8 minute live action script called "The Utopia Trial". Whilst I was working on "Bedtime" the Director of this project asked me to review the script, which I was happy to do, this was to give me an understanding of the feel and characters before I properly started working on it.

I gave some brief feedback about over expository dialogue, which was changed for the final version which I was to work off. When I officially started working on the project, I sat down with the Director for a few hours to produce a series of thumbnails, for shots which he was  more meticulous about having shown, and how they would be acted out, I was happy to listen to his Direction as it gave me a clearer idea of how he wanted the short to progress and how I could supply him with exactly what he wanted. Below are the thumbnails that were produced from this meeting:

As is clear from these pictures, they are very rough, and it is not too understandable out of context, but we both knew what we looking at when these were drawn. The idea here was just to give us both a feeling of how we would approach the shots for the project. Following this, I went away to go through the script fully, and made my own smaller thumbnails based on the script, and thumbnails which I had made previously.

This is an example of how the script pages ended up looking after I had thumb nailed over them. As The script is about 16 pages long I have decided not to include them all here. I then took these back to the Director with the thumbnails on, to get his approval to start on the final boards, which I knew would take the most time.

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