Wednesday 23 January 2019

Extended Practice - Character Design Specs

After pitching my ideas to the class, and having my ideas approved of with no concerns, I went into the next stage of my project, which was to send of some specifications to people who were going to do design work for me. My first point of call was the main character, as he is going to be the focus of the entire animation. I decided his age, stature, and used the story to determine some specifics of how he would act. I thought that this information would help Andy (my character designer) to develop a style which would fit within the world which it is supposed to.

I thought this a decent character spec sheet to give to Andy, I did not want to supply any sort of sketches of my own because I wanted him to come in from a completely fresh place with no existing material being developed already. I thought it would be more interesting to animate from a completely Andy developed character board.   

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