Wednesday 1 February 2017

Character Design 2

Giving Him a Face

I decided that the next step of creating my character was to give him a face, as well as giving him some shape and depth. I decided his outfit should look worn, as though it has been broken and self repaired at some point, as though he has been given a full outfit, but he has been out of a home for so long that he has had to make some self repair. Therefore I decided to give him some patchwork elements in his outfit, I also decided to give him some longish hair, and make it slightly messy. I wanted to make sure his homeless element, which is important to his development, was clear throughout. His body shape is slightly different from the standard body proportions of a child, but that was ok for me, because I wanted him to be exaggerated, and have exaggerated features, therefore this was not an issue. I had seen an artist on instagram, use a similar shape to my character when doing his own interpretation of "Harry Potter", which I thought was really cool and I decided to take inspiration from this.

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