Thursday 2 February 2017

Life Drawing

Rhythm is a Dancer

During this portion of the life drawing we were set, it was made up of many, many 10 second long drawings, this proved very challenging and doing it in pencil was impossible. It worked much better to do in felt tip pen, as the lines could be quick and clear whilst maintaining the form of the person. 

Puppet on a String

This life drawing task was also quite challenging to accomplish in only 20 second poses, I decided to keep with the use of felt tip pen for this as it still proved quite challenging to maintain the form in a  clear way in pencil. However I enjoyed this one quite a lot as the rushing of it meant if you missed one, you missed one, no going back. 

Pushing it 

These 5 - 10 minute sketches were supposed to show a person pushing or pulling an object, which I think I displayed quite well. For this I decided to use a different medium, this time i went for fine liner. I chose this because I wanted to show the full forms and shapes of the person I was drawing, but i didn't have time to worry about shading and texture, so going for fine liner meant the areas I wanted dark, could be made dark very quickly and without messing around with all the full forms. 

Strike a pose 

This task is what I considered as proper life drawing, with 30 minute poses of drawing, for this I finally decided to use pencil, this time I could fully texture a drawing and make it look like the person it was supposed to look like, I really enjoyed doing this, as life drawing is something I have wanted to get into for a while, and my style is very different to being realistic, so it was a nice change of pace out out my comfort zone. 

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