Wednesday 1 February 2017

Environmental Drawings 2: Return to the Dark Arches

Return to the Dark Arches

After seeing the effect on the lighting that drawing in straight pen had on my train drawings, I returned to the dark arches with more equipment than the last time. One thing I had not considered, which worked out in my favour, was the time of day, whereas I had gone the first time in the morning, this time it had been evening/night, which greatly effected visibility down there. Needless to say, I feel as though this change in lighting enhanced my drawings.

When drawing on the train again, I this time had the advantage of a table as well which meant the drawings could be steadier, I again went for pen due to the restricting time and limited space of the train and I again loved the way it made the lighting look, if anything, I would like to try a drawing inside the train using the same black shadow style I used for the dark arches, with large black areas driving home the idea of shadow and light areas.

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