Thursday, 2 February 2017

Character, finishing it off

Turn a Round 

This was my final turn around, due to technical difficulties, it was turning blue when I was trying to export it as an mp4, therefore I exported it as an animated gif, and then put it into adobe premier in order to have it be the right colour, and also so I could make it the required 4 seconds with multiple spins. All in all I am very happy with how this turned out, when exporting it also gave the character this grainy sort of texture, which I was quite pleased with as it gives him the look as though he is actually wearing clothes, when before it was just block colour. I am happy with the shading of the character too, it stays mostly consistent throughout the entire thing. The one problem I do have, is that the scarf jumps a bit, but it is not a major flaw and it is only noticeable in 1 or 2 frames, so it is ok. 

This was the t pose I eventually gave my character, this was done on sketchbook pro as well, with there being a 1 quarter drawing in pencil in my sketchbook, which I will turn in to a full sheet before hand in. If I have one complaint about my character's design in general, it is his colour. I stuck with the first colour that came to mind with the scarf, and worked his colours around that, when I should have experimented more, and given him some different variations. I actually wanted to give him a blue scarf, as I quite liked the way it looked when I was having trouble exporting. 


Before I had done my turn around, I had done many poses and expressions which gave him a little more depth of character and made him a bit more life like. I gave him some poses which would fit with his character, for example looking up in the air, and staring at himself in his reflection, his character is very curious so I wanted to show this in the poses. 

I gave this character some different variations throughout, and I think his evolution is clear, he started off being a little dumpier, and his ears were significantly larger and rounder. When I started drawing him digitally, he became very clean, rather than the messy look I was trying to do for. Although I like his final version, I wish I had kept a bit more true to the original. 

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