Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Applied Animation - Maya Modelling

My first experience with 3D modelling was more positive than I expected, our first task was to model from a picture of a small wooden truck.

This was the result of my first 3D model, I did run in to some problems with this, because I had somehow managed to change the snapping point so that every time I moved something ever so slightly, it would fly off to the far ends of the screen. Other than that, it came pretty naturally to me and it didn't take long for me to come to terms with the controls and what not on Maya.

2nd Model - Batmobile

For my 2nd model, I decided to make the Batmobile from Batman the Animated Series, as I thought it would be a pretty simple model, and also I thought it would be a good step up from making the truck.

Honestly I am very happy with how this turned out, there are definitely some things wrong with it, and some things I would change when I become more proficient at using Maya, however I believe that it turned out really well as an interpretation, I like how the colours turned out, but I struggled to colour the wheels because of how I made them. I also decided to add active lights to the headlights just to make it a bit more dynamic. Originally I had very dynamic lighting on it, but when it was saved as png it became pitch black, and you couldn't see the model properly. I did also include an uncoloured screenshot just so that you can see the model more clearly. The one thing I did struggle with on this model was the back fins, they are supposed to be curved however I just couldn't get them to work so they are more jagged than I would of liked. I am happy with the wheels and general shape though, because I spent a long time getting it right, and I used the mirror tool to make sure both sides were completely identical.

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