Wednesday 16 May 2018

Burger King - Animation

This is the final week of the burger king project, we are finally able to animate after myself and the director backed all of the assets, he also had to make some assets due to time constraints and our other team mates not meeting our deadlines. This week I animated 3 different small sections of our brief, I animated the original story idea, "campfire" i also animated "the bard of burgers" and "a funeral fit for a king". I am very happy with how these turned out. Using after effects in this way presented some problems, and with me and my director Oliver animating at the same time, we were able to animate together and help each other when we encountered a problem. A problem we faced was with the "auto bezier" function when making new key frames. As the animated was supposed to feel quite rough to emulate the hand made aspect of it, the auto bezier caused nothing but issues.

These are the final versions, they had sound added by our team mate, however for the reason of them being submitted to a competition I cannot post the full thing here. I am proud of the product we have made, and it has been successfully submitted to D&AD.

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