Wednesday 7 December 2016



 This is how my characters for my animation have started out. I knew from the start I would need both a boy and a girl, so I decided to do a quick sketchbook character sheet of both of them. Both of them have quite similar styles and were just I grey scale for the purposes of the what I wanted to achieve, which was a general shape and feel for the characters, although I feel as though they are a little too complex for what I ultimately want to achieve with this.


As well as these, I also wanted to consider some backgrounds for my animation, which I did by looking at the inside of a train carriage online, finding a few reference sources, and experimenting with digital colour on these images.

I think what I like about this background, is the similarities between this and the original image I came up with when I first started my animation, I like the lighting and general feel of this background as I feel it fits the style I am going for. What I also tried to do, is put own the opacity of the brushes I was using, so as to make the colours a little less vibrant. This was purposeful, as I could then make the characters be the main focus of the scene, rather than have a super detailed vibrant background taking away the focus of the viewer. I will continue to focus on these backgrounds as I continue to develop this animation,

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