Wednesday 7 December 2016

Character Turn Around and Change of Idea

Character turn around

This is the character turn around I came up with upon returning from MAF, I decided animating the character was becoming far too hard without one, so I decided to do one now, based on the design of "Red Turtle" the studio ghibli animation we saw at MAF. I loved the way the eyes looked in this animated feature, so I took some inspiration from that style to update my characters.


I have decided that with my time constraints, I have been too ambitious in what I wanted to achieve with my animation, therefore I decided to go back to my original idea, of having the 2 on the train. This does mean scrapping my backgrounds I have already done, however the animation is going far too quickly, therefore I want to change my idea again, back to what it originally was. This is going to be quite a challenge in the next 5 days to try and get the animation redone, I will try and use the animation I have already done and rework some of it so that I am not overworking myself. Below I am posting the first scene of my new animation. It is only 2 seconds so far, so I need to get working on more. The problem with this, is that it has no animatic or storyboard, so I am taking my old storyboard to try and time it out, I am scared however that this will mean it is far too rushed and wont work the way I want it to.

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