Wednesday 7 December 2016



This is my final animation, overall, I am disappointed with it. I changed my idea, far too late in the day to make an animation I was happy with. The animation is far, far, too static, and has no real movement which was planned to begin with. It was no one's fault but my own. I had a solid, coherent idea to begin with, and Instead of sticking too it, I overthought it, and made everything far too complicated. The best thing about the animation, is the designs of the characters, which stayed consistent, however overall, there was nothing I was impressed with at all. Their was not enough time to research the sound effects and make any myself because of my own stupidity. If I had stuck to my idea to start with, then I would have had an animation I am happy with, however it is what it is, and I will have to deal with it. I had no animatic for this version, and all of my backgrounds were improvised because of my time constraints I set on myself. IN future I need to remember to time out what I want to do, and then stick to it, using research and all the pre production techniques I have learned since being at the college of Art. I am disappointed in myself because I know that I could have done better.

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