Friday 22 March 2019

Extended Practice - Hostel World Animation

The past couple of days I have spent finally animating on Hostel World. I did not have much animation to do, it was just a case of finding the time between my main project. I have managed to finish and colour this one shot in 1 day, so I am hopeful that I can do the same with my next shot.

These were my roughs for my first shot. This was actually the second attempt I made at them, as TV Paint had crashed my original file, which was a bit of a set back but it was partly my fault for not backing up my work. I am happy with how the roughs turned out, I feel as though the movement translates well. As we are colouring the characters in a way which I am not accustomed to, I am hoping the movement is still see-able when it is coloured.

After finishing my roughs, I went on to the colouring phase, which we were doing with the colour fill tool, which colours as you draw the line. This meant we could get the line-less style which we were going for.  Overall I am quite happy with how this shot came together. However, as I went with the animatic sizing when animating, I am concerned that it may be too pixelated or low quality when it comes to compositing.

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