Wednesday 27 March 2019

Extended Practice - Hostel World Animation 2

I have now finished all of my Hostelworld animation. It has taken a lot longer than I had anticipated, as there was a lot of work passed off to me right at the last minute, so it came off as quite rushed. Overall the compositing done by Liam was the saving grace on this project, as well as the 3D backgrounds, which came out looking great.

Overall we ended up with 4 different idents, with the character animation clean up all done by me, and 2 shots completely animated by me also. I am putting this one down to - I am not a clean up artist, but I will not be using any of the animation here in my showreel or portfolio in the future.

It has been fully submitted, a long with a proposal which I had to make based off team notes, which accumulated everything we wanted to say in our response to the brief.

With this, I had to accumulate all of the images into a condensed press pack of our work, including the character designs and pictures of the environments, as well as how we planned to distribute the advert, should it win. 

Overall it achieved what it needed to achieve, and I am pretty happy with the turn out, but it could have been better had I spent more time cleaning the animation up a bit more. However as animation is not my main takeaway from this module, it has served it's purpose and I will take what I have learned from this going forward. 

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