Tuesday 16 January 2018

Colouring - Again

I am running out of things to say about the colouring of this animation, I am steadily getting it done, however I am now unsure of whether I am going to get it all finished by the deadline day, as I do not want to sacrifice quality for quantity. The goal of this animation is for it to be submitted into places as a finished and professional product.

This week I have gotten a few shots done, some my own and some by the other members of my group. This was also the first time I have done colouring on a shot in the icy area's I did the backgrounds for, which allowed my to decide on the blue tint for those sets of shadows.

This was a shot by my team mate and the first of the coloured ice area shots. 

This was a really fun shot to colour as it is a very clean shot, and the character gets progressively smaller, meaning my work got easier as it went on. 

This was my own shot, which was relatively easy to do, however as some of my linework did not add up, I had to fill in some gaps before I could carry on with colouring.

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