Tuesday 16 January 2018

Moom - Walk this Way

For this study task, it was laid out so we had to make a walk cycle in Maya using the premade character of Moom. During this it was the bare minimum to make all the key poses with no inbetweens. It was optional if we wanted to make it smooth using the graph editor. I am disappointed to say that I did the bare minimum in this task, I am disappointed in this because I really wanted to learn more about walk cycles, and animating in 3D, however due to my own time management, I did not leave myself enough time to go back and smooth out my animated walk cycle. I had done the key frames before and planned to go back, however the colouring and the additional backgrounds I had to do meant I never had time to do so.

Here is my looping walk cycle

I am happy with how this turned out, it definitely is a looping walk cycle, however I wanted to go back and add to it using the graph editor. I had some trouble following the video instructions provided, but only due to my way of learning. I found the answers to any problems I had online with no difficulty. This was a fun task to do and I enjoyed learning the set up and timeline in Maya.

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