Sunday 14 January 2018

Shot 5 - A vast Improvement

After the abysmal attempt at shot 5 before, I decided to try shot 5 again, this time however, I needed to try something different, because it did not work the first time. It was suggested by one of my classmate's that I try a smear for the turn, as it means I would be able to gain the same movement in just a few frames, so I attempted that and it worked far better than the original version.

This was the skeleton I used to animate from, however looking at it now it is obvious that the breathing needs some inbetweens. 

This is the first version of this, which already looks a lot more solid than the original, however the breathing does need some inbetweens in there, so I added them and the final result is one that I am incredibly proud of. Even though the breathing is looped, it will not be obvious in the final version because it is covered by a monster flying past the screen. 

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