Sunday 14 January 2018

Now in Colour

I decided that I needed a small break from animating. So I decided to colour a shot in advance of my allotted colouring time. I decided to start from shot 1, as it is such a small shot with not much animation. I also then went on to colour shot 2, because I was so happy with that shot that I wanted to see it complete.

Here are my 2 coloured shots for this week, I am really happy with how this turned out. I realised colouring would take me a fair amount of time due to the fact that there is double the amount of colour layers than there is line work layers. This is because there is a colour layer, and a shadow layer above that. Every area I want his shadows to change colour with his environment, hence why the are purple in these first shots, because he is in a purple forest.

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