Sunday 14 January 2018

Shot 21 - The Last Animation

Shot 21 is another close up shot, but also one I need to do before I start on my backgrounds and start on the colouring. This was a relatively easy shot to do, and I am OK with it. However at this point I need to get on with other stuff so I don't have the time to come back to it. If I had more time I definitely would change the shoulders and make it look a lot more solid, and also hold on the face more so it is obvious what happens.

Here is my first test for this shot

And the final version of it

In hindsight I feel as though I may have rushed this shot just due to the fact that it is almost Christmas and I need to get stuff done before we return from the Holidays. There is definitely a lot wrong with it but I do not have the time to change it at this point. 

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