Tuesday 16 January 2018

Moom - Talk this way

During this task we had to choose a set of 5 expressions using a pre existing list which was provided for us. In this task I chose; amusement, fear, bravado, confusion and pain. I thought that these would provide a good range of expression, and would allow some good lighting for the character to be presented in.

I did not use myself for the reference photos which were needed for posing the character Moom (who was pre existing and provided). I only did not do this because I didn't feel like I was capable of expressing myself in an exaggerated manner which I was going for with this task. Here I will post all of my finished Moom Poses with their reference photo counterpart above them. 






I tried adding some mood lighting to all of these. I also gave him both a plain to stand on and to put behind him so that the light would be more dramatic and also so that his eyebrows would show up better, as a regular render on the Maya software would show up with a black background, it was not too obvious. In pretty much all of the poses the eyebrows add a lot of expression so I thought this was necessary. 

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